About Us

How We Got Started
We started our company in 2016 when our son, Delmar, was turning 14 and needed a job. He couldn’t find a job that would hire a 14 year old. So we did what any crazy family would do; we started a business. I worked for a management company that managed snow removal and landscaping nationwide managing over 12,000 sites. My job was Quality Service Manager and Work Order Manager. I hired many contractors, made sure my contractors had the proper insurance and even traveled to the sites in different states to make sure the sites were to the standard my customers deserved. So starting a business servicing our own personal customers felt like a logical step. The business we started was Delmar’s Lawn Care. We got insurance, equipment and started getting customers.
One day a coworker at my day job, who was a big supporter of our business, gave us a ladder. The very next day one of our regular lawn care customers asked us to clean her gutters. By the end of that first year we realized gutter cleaning was what we should specialize in. We got rid of the lawn equipment, bought new gutter cleaning equipment, and changed our insurance to cover us up to 4 stories.
Now we have over 1000 customers. What started off as a side business so our teenage son could have a job has turned into a family business. I quit my management job and run the business full time with my family. We have found that owning a business has helped us grow closer together as a family as we are on this journey together and all depend on one another for its success. My wife, Sarah, is our secretary, organizer, and biggest supporter. Our son, Delmar, is a foreman of his own crew where he gets to solve problems, engage customers and grow a business he helped start. Our oldest son, Orris, who has Down syndrome, sometimes joins us on the job site. His job is moral support, because he is such a joy to be around. Our daughter is our biggest cheerleader in the business. And now we have another daughter on the way, who will give us the cuddles we need when we come home from work.
Our mission is to make sure every customer’s needs are taken care of. We want to be profitable for our employees and our family, but you, the customer, come first.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you install gutter guards?
Yes… But gutter guards are not the answer for everyone. All gutter guards require maintenance. Most people have been told “With gutter guards you will never have to clean your gutters again.” This is simply not true. Many customers who have bought into this sales pitch have regretted their decision because they paid a high price to get the guards and now they have to pay a high price to lift up the guards and clean guards that have failed.
We encourage our customers to view gutter guards as a tool to extend the time between cleaning/maintenance and not as a replacement for cleaning/maintenance. We will also honestly advise our customers as to whether or not gutter guards are in their best interest. It really depends on the types of trees near the house, and how close the trees are to the house.
When we install gutter guards, we will do a free maintenance/cleaning within two years at the request of the customer. Then we can advise the customer as to how long they can wait between each cleaning.
How do you clean gutters?
We use multiple methods. We utilize safety, efficiency, and cleanliness. We vacuum, hand scoop, and blow out the gutters. Our goal is to clean your gutters without leaving a mess in your yard or on your deck.
Do you blow off the roof?
Yes, if it is needed. It is important to realize that when blowing off the roof, we cannot control where the debris lands like we can when cleaning out your gutter. We will clean up after ourselves but we may not be able to get all of the debris off the lawn when the roof is blown off.
Do gutter guards take away from your business?
No. About 20% of our customers have gutter guard regret because they were not told the whole truth about gutter guards. We have on our website pictures of typical gutter guard failures. The cheap options from big box stores are some of the worst options for customers. There are, however, great options for home owners like this gutter guard from Costco that you can install yourself.
Are you insured?
Absolutely. We carry workers comp on everyone who will be working on your property as well as general liability insurance to protect your property from damage. You should only hire insured companies to work on your property.
Do you install gutters and do repairs?
Yes, we do. Many repairs can be made while our crew is onsite.
Do you only use a vacuum?
No, we use multiple tools. Each crew has a vacuum, and we use the best method for each roofline, pitch, height, quantity and type of debris, safety, etc.
Do we have to be home when you do the work?
No, you do not need to be home. We text when we are on our way, knock when we arrive, and take after pictures.
Do you install underground downspouts?
Yes, we are the best in the business. When we install undergrounds it is a closed maintainable system. Our systems are different from a normal system that many landscapers install in the following ways.
1) Undergrounds have a clean-out where the underground and downspout meet so that they can be blown out with each cleaning and easily maintained by homeowners.
2) Undergrounds are installed using thick walled PVC and we seal every seam that is underground. Because we use solid pipe, we are able to ensure the whole system has fall from downspout to emitter. With corrugated tile there will be many dips as the ground settles and heaves over time.
3) Undergrounds have a french drain as well as an outlet/popup emitter at the end. If the undergrounds only have a popup emitter then water will still be in the system and won’t be able to drain out. We utilize a french drain to allow water to completely drain from the system once the rain has ended.
4) We will maintain all our undergrounds at future cleanings at no additional cost.
Underground downspouts are a great way to beautify your landscape and get water much farther away from your house foundation. But most are poorly installed and may only last a few years. If installed properly they will last because they are maintainable.